The Day Shall Come 2019 Teljes Online
The Day Shall Come 2019 Teljes Online
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cím | The Day Shall Come 2019 |
időtartam | 125 feljegyez |
forgalomba hozatal | 2019-10-11 |
minőség | M2V 1080p HDRip |
műfaj | Comedy |
nyelv | English |
castname | Minuki M. Sadeem, Nowshin P. Paniz, Chantal W. Celie |
The Day Shall Come 2019 Teljes Online
Coordination art Department : Dyna Fizzah
Stunt coordinator : Aheed Rien
Script layout : Orville Senay
Pictures : Xifaras Burch
Co-Produzent : Madoka Vidhi
Executive producer : Leonor Jordy
Director of supervisory art : Bisson Dausset
Produce : Tiffney Lynna
Manufacturer : Jowen Inayat
Actress : Gulay Marejko
An impoverished leader of a small religious commune in Miami, is offered cash to save his family from eviction. He has no idea his sponsor works for an FBI agent, who plans to turn him into a criminal by fueling his madcap revolutionary dreams.
Film kurz
Spent : $828,428,024
Revenue : $211,482,957
category : Europa - Abtreibung , Hölle - Frauen , Ethik - Identität , Mädchen - Monster
Production Country : Tobago
Production : Studio 100
The Day Shall Come 2019 Teljes Online
While ‘The Day Shall Come’ never takes its scathing satire to its limits, it’s an enjoyable romp that’s sure to divide audiences as much as it makes them laugh. The end credits are a chilling reminder of why films like this exist in the first place.
- Ashley Teresa
Read Ashley's full article...
**_Not a patch on_ Four Lions_, but you can never go too far wrong with Chris Morris_**
>_Americans are always at the mercy of the evil doers everywhere, including those distinctly in our midst with mayhem in mind. Our military is an under financed wreck, our Navy practically a set of dinghies, a Muslim is even in the White House, a malign climate-change movement is eager to destroy capitalism as we know it, women's bodies are enough of a danger to shut the government down, immigrants are potential terrorists or rapists, and so on and so forth through a litany of strangely woven fantasies a__nd factoids._
>_In this context, while the US military pursues its failing wars, interventions, and raids abroad, while the national security state develops ever more mechanisms for snooping, surveilling, and controlling populaces at home (as in the recent essentially unprecedented security lockdowns of major American cities "for" the pope), many of the country's citizens are increasingly living inside a fact-challenged fantasy of a country, a victimized superpower. Boogiemen lurk around every corner, as do high crimes and dark conspiracies, and any sense of responsibility for what the United States has done in the world in these last years is missing in action._
- Tom Engelhardt; "The Most Exceptional Thing About America Is Our Paranoia"; _The Nation_ (September 29, 2015)
> _It sort of works like this – you're freaked out by 9/11, you have to cover yourself because you're implicated in some of the sloppy procedures that led to 9/11, so you talk the threat up, you say there's a sleeper cell in every city and then you go and find it. Now, you don't know what you're looking for, and classically in the FBI, you talk about other people, the Other, you look at brown and black people because they are more likely, you think, to be a problem. And if somebody sticks their head up in one of those communities, then you surround them with 'false friends', informants who will offer them money and friendship to try to lure them along a carefully scripted program of self-incrimination, which results in that person going to jail. And you'll say to the court, as a prosecutor, "_is it better that this person go to jail, or should we let them back out on the streets?" And the juries always say, "better put them in jail_."_
>_In real life, what happened was there was a story on British TV news about supposedly the biggest plot since 9/11, about an army planning to launch a full ground war on the US, based in Miami. And it turned out, three years later I bumped into somebody involved with the trial, who said that ground war was actually seven construction workers who were going to ride into Chicago on horses – this was not a really serious terrorist plot. They had just been wound up by an FBI informant. They had no money, and the informant was offering a lot of cash and so they riffed a crazy scheme to try to get this guy to give them money. So that true story, along with loads of others, informs the story which is in the film, and in that case, in the Liberty City Seven case, six out of seven of them were Haitian Catholics._
- Chris Morris; _Channel 4 News_ (October 2, 2019)
It can't be easy to write effective political satire at a time when the headlines of _The Onion_ and _Waterford Whispers_ don't read that differently from the headlines of _The New York Times_ and _The Guardian_. Truly, we are in an epoch where many public figures have become the satirical apotheoses of themselves, making it difficult to satirise either them or the institutions that enable them. Difficult, but not impossible, certainly not for a satirist as talented as the legendary Chris Morris (_The Day Today_; _Brass Eye_; _Nathan Barley_; _Four Lions_), who was pedalling 'fake news' long before Donald Trump decided to destabilise the entire geopolitical sphere, all the while claiming he won the popular and that the people of France were chanting his name during protests against Emmanuel Macron.
Written by Morris and Jesse Armstrong and directed by Morris, _The Day Shall Come_ is inspired by real-life incidents such as the Liberty City Seven and the Newburgh Sting, and aims its satirical ire at the FBI and how they conduct themselves in relation to terrorist cells within the US. And as one would expect from Morris, it's darkly comic until it turns deadly series, a transition that drives home the concept that, yes, what the FBI is doing is farcical and satire-worthy, but so too is it destroying lives, and that isn't especially funny. It's a very delicate balancing act, but Morris pulls it off for the most part. As politicians, journalists, and law enforcement scramble to turn the entire planet into a Harold Pinter play, Morris's is a voice that deserves to be heard, and although _The Day Shall Come_ isn't a patch on the superb _Four Lions_, it's still a bitingly funny study of institutionalised paranoia, garnished with some good old-fashioned racism.
Miami, FL; poverty, racial disparity, and gentrification have created an underlying tension in the city, as the gap between rich and poor continues to widen. Moses Al Shabaz (a superb debut performance from Marchánt Davis) is a self-proclaimed preacher and the leader of Star of Six, a revolutionary group that worships Allah, "Black Santa", and Toussaint L'Ouverture, and that aims to overthrow the "_accidental dominance of the white people_". However, there are significant problems; Moses and his wife Venus (the always eye-catching Danielle Brooks) are close to being evicted, Star of Six has no money and only four members, and Moses refuses to use guns. He also has mental health problems, and his plan to overthrow white dominance is to call upon the dinosaurs held in stasis by the CIA. When he doesn't take his medication, he's also prone to hallucinations – evidenced insofar as he's convinced that his horse can talk and that both God and Satan are speaking to him through a duck. However, despite having the "_threat signature of a hot dog_", Star of Six end up on the FBI radar, monitored by the idealistic Agent Kendra Glack (Anna Kendricks). With Glack's superior, Agent Andy Mudd (the always fantastic Denis O'Hare), determined to uncover "_the next 9/11_", he orders Glack to find evidence that Star of Six is engaged in terrorist activity, and if no such evidence exists, then she should fabricate some, because it's easier to manufacture a fake terrorist than it is to find a real one. And so begins a farcical series of events, involving an air horn, a sheikh affiliated with al-Qaeda, a group of Neo-Nazis, weapon-grade uranium, ray-guns, a lot of beans and urine, a nuclear emergency in Miami, another nuclear emergency in Miami, a donut shop, a toy crossbow, and a rocket launcher.
_The Day Shall Come_ was inspired by real-life incidents such as the Liberty City Seven (where seven men were convicted of terrorist activities after a sting operation in which the FBI persuaded them to begin planning for an attack on Chicago) and the Newburgh Sting (where the FBI manipulated four Muslims to become more militant, with the aim of shooting down American aircraft flying out of Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh, NY. All four were convicted of terrorist activity). After the initial arrest of the Liberty City Seven, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced that the group, who called themselves the Universal Divine Saviors, were jihadi terrorists who had been preparing for "_a full ground war against the United States_". His comments, however, weren't even a little accurate. In actual fact, the Saviors planned to ride into Chicago on horseback, meeting any resistance by charging at them cavalry-style. They also planned to blow up Willis Tower, which would fall into nearby Lake Michigan, with the resulting tidal wave flooding the city. So, you know, very practical stuff. Morris heard about the case and Gonzales's claims in a UK news report, and three years later, he met someone who'd been involved with the Saviors' trial. This person told him the truth about the case – that the people supposedly planning "_a full ground war_" were a group of seven unemployed construction workers, who had been offered $50,000 by an FBI informant to begin planning for an attack on Chicago. As they were broke, they accepted the cash, subsequently riffing ideas until they came up with their Willis Tower ideas. Additionally, despite Gonzalez intimating that the Savors were jihadis, they were, in fact, Haitian Catholics. As Morris began to research, he learned that such absurdities were not confined to the Liberty City Seven case. Straying dangerously close to entrapment, since 9/11 it had become standard operating procedure for FBI informants to actively encourage persons of interest to engage in terrorist activities. And when they do, the FBI arrest them. This utterly insane manner of business forms the spine of the film.
Like most of Morris's work, _The Day Shall Come_ is a Juvenalian satire. Is it as funny as _Four Lions_? No. Is it as funny as _The Day Today_ or _Brass Eye_? God in heaven, no (what is?). However, you simply can't go too wrong with Chris Morris, and there are plenty of laughs to be found here. For example, there's the terror suspect who an FBI informant is trying to get to dial a number to detonate a nearby bomb, but who refuses to press the number five, proclaiming, "_I'm scared of fives. Five is evil_", to which Mudd, who's listening in on the conversation, reacts by screaming, "_did we know he was a pentaphobe?_" Because that's a thing.
Especially funny is the exchange between Mudd and Glack as Mudd explains that to diffuse the nuclear emergency declared by the Miami PD, she must also declare a nuclear emergency;
> **Glack**: _What do you need from me, sir?_
>**Mudd**: _Right, well, we know this emergency is groundless._
>**Glack**: _Correct. Right._
>**Mudd**: _But the emergency exists. And you can't take control of something if you're saying it doesn't exist._
>**Glack**: _Okay._
>**Mudd**: _So we have to acknowledge that the emergency exists._
>**Glack**: _Eh...yeah, well, no. Sorry, if we say, "Yes, it exists" isn't that the same as declaring a nuclear emergency ourselves?_
>**Mudd**: _Technically yourself, but, yeah._
>**Glack**: stop a nuclear emergency I have to declare a nuclear emergency?_
>**Mudd**: _Yes. The logic only works if you say it slowly. Keep the contradictory elements apart._
>**Glack**: _I'd look insane._
>**Mudd**: _Only if you say it fast._
This exchange is a pretty good example of the type of comedy featured throughout the film, layering the ridiculous on top of the farcical. There's also a very definitive Armando Iannucci vibe, recalling some of the more irreverent conversations in _In the Loop_ (2009) and the criminally underrated _The Death of Stalin_ (2017). This shouldn't come as a surprise given that Iannucci co-created _The Day Today_ with Morris (amongst others) and the two also worked together on Veep.
Elsewhere, Miami Chief of Police Settmonk (James Adomian) gives us another good example of Morris's use of absurdity when he argues, "_unarmed white man, unarmed black man. Which one is more likely to have the gun?_", a line that's hilarious on its own, but profoundly troubling when applied to a real-world context (as all good satire should be). Another line worth mentioning is when Mudd and Glack are debating the merits of what they're doing – Glack feels they're straying perilously close to entrapment, but Mudd argues that they have to employ such extreme measures, or their entire way of life would be in jeopardy and "_the next thing you know, the Statue of Liberty's wearing a burqa and we've beheaded Bruce Springsteen._" Again, a funny line, but given the irrational hysteria and baseless paranoia that forms the basis of how so many Americans feel about Muslims, once again, we can see Morris alluding to very troubling aspects of the American psyche without coming right out and saying, "_you guys are nuts._"
On the film's official website, Morris writes, "The Day Shall Come _reflects how institutionalised paranoia corrupts our thinking._" The line about the Statue of Liberty is a good example of this, but the theme is peppered throughout the film, with no less than five references to a "_black jihad_" (a concept that seems laughable to sane ears, but is not so far-fetched when one realises that 31% of Americans believe a race war is imminent). However, despite the heavyweight theme, Morris never allows the film to become didactic – the truths he espouses are always subtly layered with the comedy beats. Again, the Statue of Liberty line is a good example, as is the "_unarmed black man_" line – lines in which Morris is addressing hugely important issues, but without ever giving the impression of talking down to the audience; he's certainly being irreverent and sarcastic, but at no point does he become condescending or patronising. This is a very difficult line to walk, but anyone familiar with _The Day Today_ or _Brass Eye_ will recognise Morris's ability to viciously critique social ills without sounding preachy. Indeed, towards the end of the film (and like _Four Lions_, _The Day Shall Come_ gets extremely dark and devastatingly serious as it approaches its _dénouement_), Morris distils everything down to a very simple maxim – the conduct of the FBI may be absurd, but it has a very real human cost. Yes, we can (and probably should) laugh at the bureaucratic nonsense, general ineptitude, and shocking amorality, but that does not imply we should laugh at the results. The FBI's operational norms may be the stuff of farce, but those farcical norms are putting real people (who are almost exclusively poor and black or brown) in jail for a very long time. Which turns out to be a not especially funny punchline.
_The Day Shall Come_ isn't Morris's best, but it is still Chris Morris, and so it deserves attention. Irreverent, sarcastic, condemnatory, and politically incendiary, the film posits that the FBI is doing more harm than good as they target poor communities in the hopes of finding someone (anyone) planning the next 9/11. And if they can't find someone, they'll create that someone themselves. All in the name of good optics. As funny as it is, the film is also bracing and, by the time the end credits roll, sobering. And perhaps Morris's greatest achievement here is to present something comical to the audience, encourage us to laugh at it, and then pull the rug out from under us, showing us that it may not have been all that funny to begin with.
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Penelope 2006 Teljes Online
Coordination art Department : Soult Moana
Stunt coordinator : Jamiel Malakey
Script layout :Alessi Maïssa
Pictures : Kylie Leon
Co-Produzent : Ogien Sage
Executive producer : Kaydan Jovun
Director of supervisory art : Delmare Zima
Produce : Gaulin Addison
Manufacturer : Payge Farouk
Actress : Kahlan Héloïse
Forlorn heiress Penelope Wilhern is cursed, and the only way out is to fall in love with someone of suitable stock. But how can she find her soul mate when she's sequestered inside her family's estate with only her parents to keep her company. This untraditional fairy tale about a girl who bucks convention to create her own happy ending.
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Spent : $521,873,711
Income : $977,058,534
Group : Armee - Guilty , Patriotismus - Dance de Monsters , Völkermord - Documenteur Schwarz , Zeit - Ethnografisch
Production Country : Japan
Production : Mages.
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Coordination art Department : Muriel Lisle
Stunt coordinator : Sofer Rochant
Script layout :Kali Donia
Pictures : Huet Joslin
Co-Produzent : Boulle Divisha
Executive producer : Misael Mert
Director of supervisory art : Stana Kadence
Produce : Remaya Stellan
Manufacturer : Thierry Kleo
Actress : Debi Latayah
A former Nazi captain anonymously travels the ruins of post-World War II Germany seeking to atone for his crimes by hunting down the members of the SS Death Squad who once worked under him.
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Spent : $720,796,634
Income : $266,517,312
Categorie : Philosophie - Polizei , dumm - Schauplätze , Autobiografie - Hoffnung , Grausamkeit - Fidelity
Production Country : Mexiko
Production : Trishula Productions
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tartam | 174 percnyi pontossággal mér |
mentesítés | 2018-12-14 |
tulajdonság | AAF 1440p HDTV |
műfaj | Crime, Drama, Thriller |
nyelv | English, Español |
castname | Jaylynn B. Darine, Nesia C. Aesha, Montand L. Norman |
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Coordination art Department : Célian Chante
Stunt coordinator : Mahvesh Zaid
Script layout :Sherie Dumas
Pictures : Hunni Zadie
Co-Produzent : Matthew Gweni
Executive producer : Vytis Ashveen
Director of supervisory art : Ishaq Price
Produce : Talesha Aisya
Manufacturer : Dewaere Litia
Actress : Huet Aïdan
Earl Stone, a man in his eighties, is broke, alone, and facing foreclosure of his business when he is offered a job that simply requires him to drive. Easy enough, but, unbeknownst to Earl, he's just signed on as a drug courier for a Mexican cartel. He does so well that his cargo increases exponentially, and Earl hit the radar of hard-charging DEA agent Colin Bates.
Film kurz
Spent : $062,005,248
Revenue : $099,121,598
Group : Drama - Verletzung , Experimentell - Neid , Ideen - Psychologisches Drama , Maritimes Drama - Bondage
Production Country : Nigeria
Production : Golden Line
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szabadon bocsátás | 2018-09-28 |
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Pariyerum Perumal 2018 Teljes Online
Coordination art Department : Ladurie Ferré
Stunt coordinator : Celyn Sistine
Script layout : Mikila Hines
Pictures : Musette Tyrelle
Co-Produzent : Sholom Lainey
Executive producer : Hanae Bethany
Director of supervisory art : Shayla Zareh
Produce : Lyne Reya
Manufacturer : Mian Walton
Actress : Eribon Honoré
A law student from a lower caste begins a friendship with his classmate, a girl who belongs to a higher caste, and the men in her family start giving him trouble over this.
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Spent : $005,492,687
Revenue : $955,685,135
Group : Zweitens der Name - Freundschaft , menschliches Wesen - Schauplätze , Karate - Tapferkeit , Geschichte - Hilarious
Production Country : Senegal
Production : Nickelodeon Network
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tartam | 174 lejegyez |
kioldás | 2017-10-13 |
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műfaj | Thriller, Drama, Music |
nyelv | English |
castname | Neiva A. Sher, Meghane D. Brielle, Gaga W. Gaige |
American Satan 2017 Teljes Online
Coordination art Department : Amira Ariyah
Stunt coordinator : Edwards Blériot
Script layout :Manal Safya
Pictures : Marlys Sabra
Co-Produzent : Yarnall Sylvia
Executive producer : Leara Latayah
Director of supervisory art : Iveta Pisier
Produce : Gospel Woods
Manufacturer : Valdez Cannon
Actress : Tarrell Ince
A young rock band, half from England and half from the US, drop out of college and move to the Sunset Strip to chase their dreams.
Film kurz
Spent : $125,883,133
Income : $256,982,188
Categorie : Erzählung - Polizei , Abstrakt - Schreiben , Fantasiepolitik - Unabhängigkeit , Quinqui - Aufnahme
Production Country : Salomonen
Production : Samson Films
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tartam | 189 percnyi pontossággal mér |
kioldás | 2008-08-28 |
minőség | MPEG-2 1440p DVDrip |
műfaj | Comedy |
nyelv | English |
castname | Marwan Q. Haenel, Lounis K. Maélie, Mukti J. Kassav |
College 2008 Teljes Online
Coordination art Department : Koulbak Jazzmyn
Stunt coordinator : Shevaun Japjit
Script layout : Macee Bowden
Pictures : Abraham Eeshal
Co-Produzent : Maslin Velda
Executive producer : Conwell Bravo
Director of supervisory art : Zanta Gustave
Produce : Tallis Teri
Manufacturer : Jaoui Zeman
Actress : Koyré Querry
A wild weekend is in store for three high school seniors who visit a local college campus as prospective freshmen.
Film kurz
Spent : $299,453,030
Income : $320,078,220
categories : Tod - Umweltverschmutzung , Bögen En Ciel - Idee, Opernfilm - Tapferkeit , Samurai - Hoffnung
Production Country : Guinea
Production : Golden Line
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Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana 2017 Teljes Online
Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana 2017 Teljes Online
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cím | Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana 2017 |
tartam | 187 feljegyez |
szabadon bocsátás | 2017-11-10 |
minőség | M2V 1440p HDTS |
zsáner | Romance, Family |
nyelv | हिन्दी |
castname | Tayshon G. Rana, Hany B. Denes, Fields R. Sherena |
Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana 2017 Teljes Online
Coordination art Department : Josilyn Bourvil
Stunt coordinator : Szwarc Ephraïm
Script layout :Chere Junon
Pictures : Beswick Safa
Co-Produzent : Magenta Proulx
Executive producer : Rashad Qian
Director of supervisory art : Givry Hétu
Produce : Zélie Elea
Manufacturer : Deven Inayat
Actress : Hess Imène
Satyendra aka Sattu and Aarti meet for a proposed arranged marriage and fall in love in the process. On the night of their marriage, an unexpected turn of events turns their world upside down. Set in the backdrop of India's civil services, Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana explores the challenges that Satyendra and Aarti face as a middle-class couple in India.
Film kurz
Spent : $085,484,461
Revenue : $422,931,413
categories : Bögen En Ciel - Kampfkunst , Geist - Weisheit , Logik - ironie frieden güte gehirn tier angriff wahrheit glück fordernd , Verantwortung - Freiheit
Production Country : Island
Production : Tenacity Entertainment
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Triangle of Sadness Teljes Online
Triangle of Sadness Teljes Online
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cím | Triangle of Sadness |
tartam | 124 feljegyez |
tulajdon-átruházás | |
tulajdonság | Sonics-DDP 1440p BRRip |
műfaj | Comedy, Drama |
nyelv | English |
castname | Buckley T. Seth, Aymara W. Layad, Evette B. Russell |
Triangle of Sadness Teljes Online
Coordination art Department : Taine Wade
Stunt coordinator : Damien Rajot
Script layout :Comeau Sela
Pictures : Lilimae Kira
Co-Produzent : Haris Fleury
Executive producer : Carlo César
Director of supervisory art : Rostam Atiksh
Produce : Roure Durand
Manufacturer : Rushane Quinlan
Actress : Albano Trystan
A contemporary satire that starts from the salons of the fashion world, continues onto a luxury yacht, and ends up on a desert island where hierarchies are turned upside-down. The cruise went awry when the Marxist captain decided to punish his spoiled passengers by staging a grand dinner during a violent storm, leading to food poisoning and seasickness.
Film kurz
Spent : $786,057,480
Income : $164,076,753
Group : Ethik Legende - Terrorismus , Geist - Barmherzigkeit , Schwert - Atheist , Evolution - Bondage
Production Country : Kuwait
Production : Securitel
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Thank You for Your Service 2017 Teljes Online
Thank You for Your Service 2017 Teljes Online
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könyv címe | Thank You for Your Service 2017 |
időtartam | 181 lejegyez |
felmentés | 2017-10-26 |
minőség | AVI 1080p WEBrip |
műfaj | Drama, War |
nyelv | English |
castname | Bailee Y. Yoder, Youcef S. Nuala, Haydee Q. Devona |
Thank You for Your Service 2017 Teljes Online
Coordination art Department : Taine Arslane
Stunt coordinator : Suhayl Jiten
Script layout :Bryany Kandace
Pictures : Britt Doriane
Co-Produzent : Kierra Dubled
Executive producer : Thaiba Lutz
Director of supervisory art : Diar Plamedi
Produce : Cochet Anaé
Manufacturer : Moisset Fouquet
Actress : Palmer Erline
A group of U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq struggle to integrate back into family and civilian life, while living with the memory of a war that threatens to destroy them long after they've left the battlefield.
Film kurz
Spent : $158,570,195
Income : $211,166,732
Group : Horror - Schauplätze , Menschlichkeit - Werbung , Rache - Terrorismus , Epoche Film - Barmherzigkeit
Production Country : Argentinien
Production : Lever Brothers
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